Monday, December 28, 2015

#StarWars.... in 1701? Yes, sort of. [Stephen Abbott's blog]

Check out this passage from a 1701 magazine that uses rather modern language in places ("hold 'em"?) to criticize a treaty, but THEN goes on to suggest  that their crafty enemies MIGHT JUST COLONIZE OTHER PLANETS, if given the chance!
"They must be permitted to march through your Territories, you must furnish 'em with Provisions; nay, you must permit 'em to plunder too, if they have a mind to it; but the Enemy must not be suffer'd to touch an Ear of Corn, nor so much as to tread upon your Holy Ground,'tis a Breach of the Neutrality a Violation of Promise. The Refusal of the Investiture is a Crime that will never be forgotten, if France and Spain should prosper, which Heaven forbid. For then, this World would be too little to hold 'em — They wou!d be scaling the Moon, and storming all the Seven Planets to find out new Regions, and more Room for their Ambition." From "Historical and Political Monthly Mercury" for August, 1701, p.283.

From our "the more things change" department...