Thursday, January 26, 2012

Abbott Media Launches World Politics News MicroBlog

News Release
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Contact: Stephen Abbott 603.341.0372; stephen(at)

Abbott Media Launches World Politics News MicroBlog

Abbott Media, a New England-based company that innovates and inspires micro-businesses that serve others, has launched World Politics News ( a MicroBlog dedicated to expanding our knowledge of politics around the world.

Each day, World Politics News seeks out links to news stories that inform readers of the vital political and cultural stories that are shaping the world, but are under-reported (and sometimes completely ignored) by American media companies.

The site not only links to stories, in the format pioneered by Matt Drudge, but will feature short MicroStoriesTM of up to 250 words or less that encapsulate vital world events and bring them to readers in a smart, efficient and easily understandable way.

Abbott Media founder Stephen Abbott, a former newspaper reporter and public relations consultant, will serve at the project’s administrator and chief editor. He says the project will fill important gaps in American news coverage.

“News media in the United States are dropping the ball by not delivering world news effectively and in a way that informs us about the political currents shaping our world,” he said. “These currents could, as they reach our shores, turn into tidal waves or Tsunamis that effect our quality of life. To be ill-informed about politics in Asia, Europe, Latin America or Africa is to be blind to what’s going to happen to us in the next decade, or even next week.”

Abbott says the project will seek out guest reporters and will accept advertising, grants and donations to fund a full-time staffing operation.

Abbott Media innovates and inspires micro-businesses that serve others in a positive way. Abbott Media is located online at


Monday, January 23, 2012

Five Awesome New Calendars

Is our calendar perfect? Few would argue that it is. The number of days in each month are uneven, its quarters are unequal, and it's impossible to determine when on which day any random date will fall.

But it turns out, there are many, many other - arguably better - ideas to reform it.

For instance, there's the 13-Moon Calendar. Inspired by the ancient Mayan Long-Count calendar, this proposal to reform the current Gregorian calendar re-names all the months, and introduces other innovations, including an extra month, which approximates many ancient calendars.

The Symmetry454 Calendar is a proposal by a Toronto university professor. It features four exactly equal quarters of 28-, 35- and 28-day months, making it easier to compare fiscal quarters. It's beautiful symmetry contrasts with the chaotic Gregorian.

The 13-month "Sol" Calendar updates an Old Idea - the 13- month year tied to the lunar cycle. This calendar's 13 months are all 28 days long, making it easy to remember the length of months. A leap year is added to the last month, December, and a new month, Sol, is added between June and July.

The New Earth Calendar is a bit of a hybrid - mixing the best elements of proposals like the Symmetry454 calendar and the 13 months of the Sol calendar.

Finally, the 30x11 Calendar is what its creator calls a "Gentle Update" of our current calendar. All of its months are 30 days long, except December, which rounds out the 365 or 366-day year with 35 or 36 days. It makes it incredibly easy to determine what day number each day on the calendar holds, and makes it easy to remember days.

All of these calendars - and MANY MORE - can be found EXCLUSIVELY on the new Abbott ePublishing eBook "2012: A New Calendar for a New Age" available on the Abbott ePublishing website.