Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Abbott Retained to Promote The Jesus Followers


Contact: Stephen Abbott, Owner, Abbott Public Relations 603.341.0372
Thursday, January 31, 2013


Abbott Public Relations Retained to Promote The Jesus Followers

NEW ENGLAND - Stephen Abbott of Abbott Public Relations, a New England-based Public Relations and Reputation Agency, will promote the Jesus Followers, a religious group seeking to form a church denomination within the next five years.
The Jesus Followers are a new organization, laying the groundwork to launch a movement dedicated to Jesus, the Anointed (that is, "Christ") - God's spokesman and Prophet. They plan to launch a revolutionary church dedicated solely to the revolutionary, relevant, timeless teachings of Jesus, and the God he revealed to the world through those teachings and his perfect life.
Along with maintaining an online presence for The Jesus Followers (who can be found on Facebook and their blog) Abbott has been actively writing sermons for the group and has entered the active ministry of The Jesus Followers to extend its mission.
Abbott said the group represents a unique counterpoint to current Christian denominations.
"The Jesus Followers approach Jesus as the sole voice to whom we must listen to obtain salvation and learn how to live," he said. "That alone makes The Jesus Followers unique and stand out as a special witness of Jesus, God’s Anointed One. Drawing attention to him as God's prophet and spokesman is also a different emphasis than many mainline Christians are used to. But there is a dire need for them, and the rest of the world, to hear these differing views, and that's what we will bring to them."
The group stresses the humanity of Jesus, his Prophethood, teachings and life; our ability to fully obey God and our duty to do Good Works; understanding the Scriptures in their historical context; and the use of our God-given Reason.
Abbott said he will promote the group and lay the groundwork for physical locations for church meetings that would eventually lead to churches planted around the world. The Jesus Followers can be found on Facebook at and their blog can be found at
Abbott Public Relations offers affordable written communications and social media services that build, strengthen and repair reputations. They can be found online at and at 603.341.0372.


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Abbott ePublishing Announces Publication of "A Flash of Worlds - Sci-Fi Flash Fiction by Stephen Abbott"

Abbott ePublishing
Original, affordable electronic books.

Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2013
CONTACT: Stephen Abbott, publisher(@)

“A Flash of Worlds - Sci-Fi Flash Fiction” by Stephen Abbott

NEW ENGLAND – Abbott ePublishing has published, “A Flash of Worlds - Sci-Fi Flash Fiction,” a new collection of Science Fiction writing by author Stephen Abbott.

The fifteen short-short “Flash Fiction” stories vary in length from 500 to 1,400 words, and feature time travel, alternate history, the paranormal, and the scientifically unexplained.

Abbott says his fiction writing is inspired by new scientific research into alternate realities and multiple universe theory, as well as his love of classic science fiction.

“There are places here you won't recognize, and mind-bending twists in SpaceTime that will make you wonder what's happening,” says Abbott. “The entire field of astrophysics and new theories of time and space have opened the fiction genre to new possibilities. The fact that many of these stories may actually have a basis in science FACT make the fiction even more incredible.”

This unique collection of Flash Fiction is offered at the low, introductory price of $1.99 at the Abbott ePublishing  website, Payment is via PayPal.

Abbott ePublishing was launched in 2009 as a New England-based publisher of original, affordable electronic books. They can be found online at


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Five Great Ways to Re-Boot Our Calendar

Is our calendar perfect? Few would argue that it is. The number of days in each month are uneven, its quarters are unequal, and it's impossible to determine when on which day any random date will fall.

But it turns out, there are many, many other - arguably better - ideas to reform it.

For instance, there's the 13-Moon Calendar. Inspired by the ancient Mayan Long-Count calendar, this proposal to reform the current Gregorian calendar re-names all the months, and introduces other innovations, including an extra month, which approximates many ancient calendars.

The Symmetry454 Calendar is a proposal by a Toronto university professor. It features four exactly equal quarters of 28-, 35- and 28-day months, making it easier to compare fiscal quarters. It's beautiful symmetry contrasts with the chaotic Gregorian.

The 13-month "Sol" Calendar updates an Old Idea - the 13- month year tied to the lunar cycle. This calendar's 13 months are all 28 days long, making it easy to remember the length of months. A leap year is added to the last month, December, and a new month, Sol, is added between June and July.

The New Earth Calendar is a bit of a hybrid - mixing the best elements of proposals like the Symmetry454 calendar and the 13 months of the Sol calendar.

Finally, the 30x11 Calendar is what its creator calls a "Gentle Update" of our current calendar. All of its months are 30 days long, except December, which rounds out the 365 or 366-day year with 35 or 36 days. It makes it incredibly easy to determine what day number each day on the calendar holds, and makes it easy to remember days.

All of these calendars - and MANY MORE - can be found EXCLUSIVELY on the new Abbott ePublishing eBook "A New Calendar for The World" available on the Abbott ePublishing website.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Caseworker Exposes Flaws in Welfare System

NEW HAMPSHIRE - Author Deb Shorter of New Hampshire worked in Human Services for a decade. This experience as a case worker provided her with valuable, first-hand insights into how the American Welfare System works - and how it doesn't.

Her first book, "Giving Away Your Tax Dollars - An Eye Into Welfare," delves into the twisted, turbulent and troubled world of the Welfare System, exposing who gets help, and who doesn't, and the reasons why. In the interview room of a caseworker, she hears client’s troubles and works her way through the government policies that determine if aid will be distributed.

"Readers will run the gamut of emotions as they read this book," she says. "They'll laugh, they'll cry, and they'll get angry. Then, they'll want to fix the system."

This entertaining and informative book offers ways to do just that, spelling out Ten Easy Solutions to America's budget problems within Human Services, especially Social Security.

Born in Amesbury, Massachusetts in 1961, Deb moved frequently as a young girl, first to Newton New Hampshire, and when her parents separated, to Haverhill, MA. She likes to say, "I worked my way up the state and back into New Hampshire, and kept heading further north!" She now lives in New Hampshire's beautiful North Country with her husband Ron. She writes in lovely a cabin in the woods called "The Pen Den." She is a grandmother of seven children, six boys and one girl.

She loves to hear from her readers, and enjoys their reactions to her work.

"They are my enthusiasm," she says. "It's weird how so many people love the emotional roller coaster I send them on - and that is EXACTLY what I wanted!"

An Eye Into Welfare: Giving Away Your Tax Dollars is available in an affordable print edition from Amazon Createspace for $12.99 at and as a Kindle eBook for $2.99 at For more information, visit