Saturday, February 4, 2017

NEW eBook: Jesus Calls Us To A Life Of Good Works [Stephen Abbott's blog]

Here's the release for a new book I authored. Check it out!!

Abbott ePublishing is proud to announce the first-time publication of Jesus Calls Us To A Life Of Good Works, by Stephen Abbott, written for The Jesus Followers.

Joining our growing line-up of original religion-related eBook publications, this sure-to-be influential eBook goes back to the source of the Christian Faith, Jesus, and seeks to explore what he actually said about Good Works - as opposed to what men since then have preached and taught about it.

"Jesus Calls Us To A Life Of Good Works" dares to focus on Jesus' own revolutionary and challenging words, which actually call us to a rich, joyful life of Good Works, which serve others, show God's love to the world, and are the basis for God's judgment of us in relation to our eternal lives.

This eBook will challenge the traditional understanding of how "Good Works" is taught from the world's Christian pulpits, urging us to take Jesus' words as seriously as he calls us to take them: as words that will not pass away.

Excerpts from the book:
"These teachings of his must never be diminished, belittled, or explained away, because they hold the power of our salvation from sin within them. But Jesus didn't just teach, or give commands, but he gave us an example that he said we could follow. Jesus lived, taught and died as a pure moral example, that we should follow him."
"Jesus challenges us to be better than we are, not remain exactly as we were before we met him. The act of following Jesus is meant to transform us into human beings who more closely resemble this God-chosen pattern for our lives. We are to be BORN AGAIN in service and obedience to God, with the example of God's chosen exemplar always before our eyes. (John 3:3)"

Offered exclusively and for the first time from Abbott ePublishing, you can explore this deep, spiritually satisfying eBook (.PDF format, immediate download upon payment) for the introductory price of just US$1.99.

For more information, and to purchase, visit Abbott ePublishing online!

Since 2009, Abbott ePublishing has been offering the world a growing stable of affordable, original electronic books, most under $2! Visit today!

The Jesus Followers plan to launch a revolutionary Church dedicated to the revolutionary, relevant, timeless teachings of Jesus. Learn more at

Thursday, January 5, 2017

5 Better Ways To Mark Our Days

Is our calendar perfect? Few would argue that it is. The number of days in each month are uneven, its quarters are unequal, and it's impossible to determine when on which day any random date will fall.

But it turns out, there are many, many other - arguably better - ideas to reform it.

For instance, there's the 13-Moon Calendar. Inspired by the ancient Mayan Long-Count calendar, this proposal to reform the current Gregorian calendar re-names all the months, and introduces other innovations, including an extra month, which approximates many ancient calendars.

The Symmetry454 Calendar is a proposal by a Toronto university professor. It features four exactly equal quarters of 28-, 35- and 28-day months, making it easier to compare fiscal quarters. It's beautiful symmetry contrasts with the chaotic Gregorian.

The 13-month "Sol" Calendar updates an Old Idea - the 13-month year tied to the lunar cycle. This calendar's 13 months are all 28 days long, making it easy to remember the length of months. A leap year is added to the last month, December, and a new month, Sol, is added between June and July.

The New Earth Calendar is a bit of a hybrid - mixing the best elements of proposals like the Symmetry454 calendar and the 13 months of the Sol calendar.

Finally, the 30x11 Calendar is what its creator calls a "Gentle Update" of our current calendar. All of its months are 30 days long, except December, which rounds out the 365 or 366-day year with 35 or 36 days. It makes it incredibly easy to determine what day number each day on the calendar holds, and makes it easy to remember days.

All of these calendars - and MANY MORE - can be found EXCLUSIVELY on the new Abbott ePublishing eBook "A New Calendar for The World" available on the Abbott ePublishing website. Or purchase RIGHT HERE via PayPal: