Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Picture this: 1984

Picture this: It was #1984, and #Madonna’s “Like a Virgin” was blaring from the speakers at the local record store. (A record store is a place that sold records, which contained music and were like large vinyl CDs.

CDs, or "compact discs" were smaller plastic discs that played music on a special "CD player" at home, in your car or they could be carried, like a Sony Walkman.

A Sony #Walkman was a small device you could carry around and wear around your neck with a strap and headphones, like an #iPod.

An iPod was a device that played MP3s, like you’d find on the Apple iTunes and download to your #iPhone or other smartphone.

"Downloading" is the thing people used to do to capture music and play it later, before streaming services like Pandora, iHeartRadio​ and Spotify​.)

Anyway….  I lost my train of thought so just enjoy the music.

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